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Polygraph test, measures physiological responses like blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and skin conductivity.
Professional trained to measure physiological responses to determine truthfulness during questioning.
Things have changed greatly in the polygraph business. Today, this long-term tool for legal issues is being used for more personal situations. More specifically.....
Polygraph testing is used by every major law enforcement agency in the United States and most foreign countries. Prosecutors use polygraph (lie detection) testing to assess a case before filing and to verify the truthfulness of witnesses. Defense attorneys use testing to determine defense strategy.
In Colorado, courts and probation officers are making regular polygraph and lie detector testing a condition of probation. The use of polygraph testing in the corrections area has greatly reduced the number of repeat offenders.
Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing (PCSOT) is sweeping the nation. Probationers and parolees are required to take periodic polygraph tests to ensure they are complying with the conditions of release. The results are convincing; the behavior that was the originating issue is being greatly curtailed through the use of polygraphs.
It is a highly specialized type of testing and quite different from the usual criminal or PCSOT (sex offenders) testing. Lie detection for relationship needs is done in a low-profile, non-condemning approach by “specially trained” examiners who are experts in therapeutic polygraphs. If infidelity, relationship, or theft is the issue for which you need lie detection, we strongly suggest you avoid examination companies that deal in PCSOT testing. Relationship testing is done in a low-profile, non-condemning manner by “specially trained” examiners who specialize in therapeutic polygraphs. If relationship, infidelity, or theft is the issue for which you need lie detection, we suggest you avoid examination companies that deal in criminal testing.
Relationship testing is uniquely designed as “a bridge for healing” by uncovering and verifying truth. It is a very powerful process. Proof Positive Polygraph has done thousands of this type of exam and is considered to be the Colorado specialist in this area of lie-detection testing.